Tell your MP: scapegoating people living with mental illness must stop

Tell your MP that the scapegoating of people living with mental illness must stop.

People living with mental illness are being scapegoated for the costs of supporting people when they are too unwell to work. 

The government has announced plans to change the fit note system, Work Capability Assessments and Personal Independence Payments. Changes that could leave people living with mental illness hundreds of pounds out of pocket.  But there is hope. During this election year, your voice matters more than ever.

Email your MP to ask how their political party will provide people, who cannot work because of the symptoms of mental illness, with financial support and security when they need it the most.

Our social security system exists to support us all when we most need it, so please act now to have your say and make sure your MP hears your concerns.

Please fill in your details on this page to get started.


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